Little Gracie was so intrigued by this big honking piece of metal staring at her... So intrigued, that she gave beautiful eye contact :)
Monday, May 30, 2011
Simmons Park
I was blessed to spend some time Saturday morning hanging out at Simmons Park on Apollo Beach getting to know the family of a co-worker & photograph their children.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Bryce's First Birthday Party
Terrena, a co-worker of mine, allowed me to photograph her son's 1st birthday party! It was a great time & we were able to capture some happy times with close family & friends.
The Birthday Boy, Bryce, really enjoyed his cake. He was probably one of the funniest 1 year olds to watch eat. He actually has a hand print on his face... which happened within about 10 seconds!
He turned One Year!
Her eyes are captivating.
As are his.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Amazon Calling...
For many of us, it is hard to really understand what this world is. Since I teach social studies, I am constantly challenged to ponder that idea. The differences among societies and people groups, how our view on life differs and so on. I realize that this world I know-- is not the same for everyone.
For whatever reason, the Lord convicts me of this. Really, it's not for "whatever" reason. It's because the bible instructs us to be in the world, but not of the world. On Sunday, Pastor Craig mentioned that...
Even though part of me is ready to just pick up, travel, and share with others about the Lord... I have a purpose here in Tampa (or maybe I'm a coward). This summer, the Lord is giving me a taste with the mission trip to the Amazon River! I'm super excited that the Lord is allowing me... a flawed follower of his, to experience another land. To be able to just share. Talk about life. And rejoice in the salvation we have from the Lord. It is truly an honor that the Lord chooses to use me for any purpose of his...
I need to raise $2000 in one month!? Hard for me to wrap my mind around. BUT I have a faithful God. To help raise money for the Amazon trip, I am doing photos for donations. People can get an hour photo session and receive a cd of all edited photos for any donation above $50. By taking this option, clients will receive quality photos, ridiculously low price & will help with an eternal cause.
Friday, May 20, 2011
A Wonderful Way to Being 2011
Like any photographer, I love being able to hang out with people and catch that moment on their face... that moment where a picture truly says more than a thousand words. Below are some photos that I was privileged to take over this past year.
Below are two of the three Schneider children. I've known these kiddos since they were toddlers & babies. I've been able to photograph them 3 times over the past year. This is just a glimpse of their sweet hearts.
The third Schneider :)
So sweet!
Cassie, April & I walked the streets of Ybor City & took photos along the way. I had a great time hanging out with these girls!
Cheryl & Daniel. Truly meant for one another :) They had the most beautiful wedding. I'm glad to call them friends!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Precious Baby
What a beautiful baby girl! I asked her momma if we could do a photoshoot to help build my portfolio. I've had a decent amount of experience photographing children 1+. But I wanted to get some experience with her age. We went to Curtis Hixon Park in downtown Tampa to do a photoshoot of this sweet girl. I've used Curtis Hixon for teens & adults- it gives a nice edgy look with downtown in background. Thankfulfully, it also yields a beautiful background for the younger ones as well :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Our talents come from the Lord
I am so thankful to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. My reasons for being thankful are mostly selfish- I guess that is because it's all I know... I know where the Lord has taken me from, how He has changed me, what He has blessed me with & most importantly- His ultimate sacrifice.
Growing up, I had a strong dislike for school. It's ironic that the Lord has given me a talent to teach high school! It surely attests to the power of the Lord in my life.
I've always loved taking pictures- but I certainly had NO talent. I did not have the "eye". Two years ago, the Lord chose to give me that talent. I am assured that talent comes from the Lord, because out of no where, I suddenly had knowledge & understanding in taking good photos! I praise the Lord for this as He has allowed me to use it to raise support for the DR mission trip last summer & for the Amazon River mission trip this summer.
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